
"Not the Bowden Family's? I thought that was going to take place in September.""To-day's the day.They sent word the middle o' the week.Ithought you might have heard of it.Yes, they changed the day.Ibeen thinkin' we'd talk it over, but you never can tell beforehand how it's goin' to be, and 'taint worth while to wear a day all out before it comes." Mrs.Todd gave no place to the pleasures of anticipation, but she spoke like the oracle that she was."I wish mother was here to go," she continued sadly."I did look for her last night, and I couldn't keep back the tears when the dark really fell and she wa'n't here, she does so enjoy a great occasion.If William had a mite o' snap an' ambition, he'd take the lead at such a time.Mother likes variety, and there ain't but a few nice opportunities 'round here, an' them she has to miss 'less she contrives to get ashore to me.I do re'lly hate to go to the reunion without mother, an' 'tis a beautiful day; everybody'll be asking where she is.Once she'd have got here anyway.Poor mother's beginnin' to feel her age.""Why, there's your mother now!" I exclaimed with joy, I was so glad to see the dear old soul again."I hear her voice at the gate." But Mrs.Todd was out of the door before me.

There, sure enough, stood Mrs.Blackett, who must have left Green Island before daylight.She had climbed the steep road from the waterside so eagerly that she was out of breath, and was standing by the garden fence to rest.She held an old-fashioned brown wicker cap-basket in her hand, as if visiting were a thing of every day, and looked up at us as pleased and triumphant as a child.

"Oh, what a poor, plain garden! Hardly a flower in it except your bush o' balm!" she said."But you do keep your garden neat, Almiry.Are you both well, an' goin' up country with me?" She came a step or two closer to meet us, with quaint politeness and quite as delightful as if she were at home.She dropped a quick little curtsey before Mrs.Todd.

"There, mother, what a girl you be! I am so pleased! I was just bewailin' you," said the daughter, with unwonted feeling."Iwas just bewailin' you, I was so disappointed, an' I kep' myself awake a good piece o' the night scoldin' poor William.I watched for the boat till I was ready to shed tears yisterday, and when 'twas comin' dark I kep' making errands out to the gate an' down the road to see if you wa'n't in the doldrums somewhere down the bay.""There was a head-wind, as you know," said Mrs.Blackett, giving me the cap-basket, and holding my hand affectionately as we walked up the clean-swept path to the door."I was partly ready to come, but dear William said I should be all tired out and might get cold, havin' to beat all the way in.So we give it up, and set down and spent the evenin' together.It was a little rough and windy outside, and I guess 'twas better judgment; we went to bed very early and made a good start just at daylight.It's been a lovely mornin' on the water.William thought he'd better fetch across beyond Bird Rocks, rowin' the greater part o' the way; then we sailed from there right over to the landin', makin' only one tack.William'll be in again for me to-morrow, so I can come back here an' rest me over night, an' go to meetin' to-morrow, and have a nice, good visit.""She was just havin' her breakfast," said Mrs.Todd, who had listened eagerly to the long explanation without a word of disapproval, while her face shone more and more with joy."You just sit right down an' have a cup of tea and rest you while we make our preparations.Oh, I am so gratified to think you've come!

Yes, she was just havin' her breakfast, and we were speakin' of you.Where's William?""He went right back; said he expected some schooners in about noon after bait, but he'll come an' have his dinner with us tomorrow, unless it rains; then next day.I laid his best things out all ready," explained Mrs.Blackett, a little anxiously."This wind will serve him nice all the way home.Yes, I will take a cup of tea, dear,--a cup of tea is always good; and then I'll rest a minute and be all ready to start.""I do feel condemned for havin' such hard thoughts o'

William," openly confessed Mrs.Todd.She stood before us so large and serious that we both laughed and could not find it in our hearts to convict so rueful a culprit."He shall have a good dinner to-morrow, if it can be got, and I shall be real glad to see William," the confession ended handsomely, while Mrs.Blackett smiled approval and made haste to praise the tea.Then I hurried away to make sure of the grocery wagon.Whatever might be the good of the reunion, I was going to have the pleasure and delight of a day in Mrs.Blackett's company, not to speak of Mrs.Todd's.

The early morning breeze was still blowing, and the warm, sunshiny air was of some ethereal northern sort, with a cool freshness as it came over new-fallen snow.The world was filled with a fragrance of fir-balsam and the faintest flavor of seaweed from the ledges, bare and brown at low tide in the little harbor.

It was so still and so early that the village was but half awake.

I could hear no voices but those of the birds, small and great,--the constant song sparrows, the clink of a yellow-hammer over in the woods, and the far conversation of some deliberate crows.Isaw William Blackett's escaping sail already far from land, and Captain Littlepage was sitting behind his closed window as I passed by, watching for some one who never came.I tried to speak to him, but he did not see me.There was a patient look on the old man's face, as if the world were a great mistake and he had nobody with whom to speak his own language or find companionship.