The Master said, "Who says of Wei-shang Kaou that he is upright? One begged some vinegar of him, and he begged it of a neighbor and gave it him."
21. THE ANXIETY OF CONFUCIUS ABOUT THE TRAINING OF HIS DISCIPLES. Confucius was thrice in Ch'in. It must have been the 3d time, when he thus expressed himself. He was then over 60 years, and being convinced that he was not to see for himself the triumph of his principles, he became the more anxious about their transmission, and the train. of the disci. in order to that. Such is the com. view of the ch. Some say, however, that it is not to be understood of all the disciples. Comp. Mencius, VII.ii.37. 吾党之小子, an affectionate way of speaking of the disciples. 狂, 'mad', also, 'extravagant', 'highminded'. The 狂are naturally 简, hasty and careless of minuties. 斐然, 'accomplished-like'. 章, see ch. 12. 成章, 'something complete'. 裁, see ch.6, but its applica. here is somewhat diff. The acteced. to之 is all the preced. description.
22. THE GENEROSITY OF PIH-E AND SHUH=TS'E, AND ITS EFFECTS. These were ancient worthies of the closing period of the Shang dynasty. Comp. Mencius, II.i.2,9, et al. They were brothers, sons of the king of Koo-chuh(孤竹), named respectively 允and 致. E and Ts'e are their hon. epithets, and 伯 and 叔only indicate their relation to each other as elder and younger. Pih-e and Shuh-ts'e, however, are in effect their names in the mouths and writings of the Chinese. Koo-chuh was a small state, included in the pres. depart. of 永平, in Pih-chih-le. Their father left his kingdom to Shuh-ts'e, who refused to take the place of his elder brother. Pih-e in turn declined the throne, so they both abandoned it, and retired into obscurity. When king Woo was taking his measures against the tyrant Chow, they made their appearance, and remonstrated against his course. Finally, they died of hunger, rather than live under the new dynasty. They were celebrated for their purity, and aversion to men whom they considered bad, but Conf. here brings out their generosity. 怨是用希=怨是以希, 'Resentments thereby were few.'
23. SMALL MEANNESSES INCONSISTENT WITH UPRIGHTNESS. It is implied that Kaou gave the vinegar as from himself.