- 我的枕边英语书:看天,看雪,看时间的背影(升级版)
- 李文昊
- 3721字
- 2024-11-02 22:24:29
Fighting, the Stepping Stone of Success

Goals determine what you are going to be.
Words and Phrases
determine [dɪˈtɜ:mɪn] v. 决定,决心
determined [dɪˈtɜ:mɪnd] adj. 坚决的
determinedly [dɪ'tɜ:mɪndlɪ] adv. 坚决地
determination [dɪˌtɜ:mɪˈneɪʃn] n. 决定,确定
determinant [dɪˈtɜ:mɪnənt] n. 决定因素,决定条件
politician [ˌpɒləˈtɪʃn] n. 政治家,政客
political [pəˈlɪtɪkl] adj. 政治的,政权的
figur out 想清楚,明白
figh [faɪt] v. 奋斗;争斗,打架
fightbac [ˈfaɪtbæk] n. 回击,反攻
fighte [ˈfaɪtə(r)] n. 战士;战斗机
combatant [ˈkɒmbətənt] n. 参战者,战士
combative [ˈkɒmbətɪv] adj. 好斗的
combat ['kɑ:mbæt] v. 战斗
For you
What are you going to be? A doctor? A teacher? Or a politician?If you haven't figured out, think carefully about it right now. Your goal determines what you are going to be. If you have made a clear direction in life, just fight for it! 你打算将来做什么?医生?教师?亦或是政客?如果你还不确定,现在就慎重考虑一下吧。你的人生目标决定着你的将来。如果你已经明确了自己的人生方向,那就为之奋斗吧!
A man dies still if he has done nothing, as one who has done much.
For you
How will you spend your life? If you ask me the same question, I will say that I'd rather live a life of struggle. Because a man dies still if he has done nothing, as one who has done much. 你这一生要怎样度过呢?如果你问我相同的问题,我会这样回答:我宁愿在奋斗中了此一生。因为人终有一死,与其无所事事,不如奋斗终生。

Words and Phrases
would rather 宁愿
struggle ['strʌgl] n. 斗争, 竞争, 奋斗;v. 努力, 奋斗, 斗争, 挣扎
I'm a fighter! I may be small but I'm tough.
Words and Phrases
fighte [ˈfaɪtə(r)] n. 奋斗者,斗士
combatant [ˈkɒmbətənt] n. 参战者,战士
tough [tʌf] adj. 坚强的,不屈不挠的,坚韧的
potato [pə'teɪtəʊ] n. 马铃薯,土豆
a small potato 小人物,小角色
yam [jæm] n. 薯蓣,山药,洋芋
sweet potato 甘薯,红薯
couch potato 老泡在电视机前的人
motto [ˈmɒtəʊ] n. 箴言,格言,座右铭
aphorism [ˈæfərɪzəm] n. 格言,警语
maxim [ˈmæksɪm] n. 格言,箴言
apothegm ['æpəθem] n. 格言
dictum [ˈdɪktəm] n. 格言,名言
For you
Do you want to be somebody?Do you feel sad as a small potato?Don't be sad for this. I will share a motto with you: I'm a fighter! I may be small but I'm tough. 你想做大人物吗?作为一个小人物,你会觉得悲哀吗?不必为此伤心。附上一句箴言同你共勉:我是一位斗士!我人虽渺小,但很坚强。
If you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen.
For you
Do you suffer a series of misfortunes recently?Everything seems to go against you? It doesn't matter. You should believe that if you really work hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen to you. 你最近连遭不幸?事事不顺心?不要太在意。你要始终坚信:如若努力拼搏、心存善念,好事定会发生在你身上。

Words and Phrases
amazing [əˈmeɪzɪŋ] adj. 惊叹的,令人惊异的 amaze [əˈmeɪz] v. 使惊奇,使惊诧
amazement [əˈmeɪzmənt] n. 惊奇,惊诧
breathtaking [ˈbreθteɪkɪŋ] adj. 激动人心的,惊人的 a series of 一系列,一连串
One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.
For you
You have to spend at least 16 years studying before you graduate from college. It's really a long way to go. Are you afraid of it? Be brave! Struggle has a bitter root, but one day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful. 大学毕业以前,你至少要读16年的书,这真是一条漫长的路。你畏惧了吗?勇敢点!奋斗虽苦,但终有一天,当你回首过往时,你会发现只有那些奋斗的年月才是最美好的。

Words and Phrases
retrospect [ˈretrəspekt] n. 回顾,追溯 strike [straɪk] v. 打动;罢工;殴打
strikebound [ˈstraɪkbaʊnd] adj. 因罢工而停顿的
Cease to struggle and you cease to live.
For you
What's your motto? Carlyle said that cease to struggle and you cease to live. It tells us that only struggle can give you the desire to survive. Life without struggle is death. 你的人生格言是什么?卡莱尔说过:生命不息,奋斗不止。这句话告诉我们,只有奋斗才能激起求生的欲望。停止奋斗,虽生犹死。
Words and Phrases
cease [si:s] v. & n. 停止,终止 survive [səˈvaɪv] v. 幸存,继续存在;幸免于;挺过来
desire [dɪˈzaɪə(r)] v. 渴望;n. 欲望,渴望 desirous [dɪˈzaɪərəs] adj. 渴望的,想望的
desirable [dɪˈzaɪərəbl] adj. 值得拥有的;令人喜爱的 yearning [ˈjɜ:nɪŋ] n. 渴望,向往
yearn [jɜ:n] v. 渴望,渴求
Fight hard, and that in itself is a form of victory.
Words and Phrases
victory [ˈvɪktərɪ] n. 胜利,成功
victorious [vɪkˈtɔ:rɪəs] adj. 胜利的,得胜的
victoriously [vɪk'tɔ:rɪəslɪ] adv. 胜利地
invincible [ɪnˈvɪnsəbl] adj. 战无不胜的
definitio [ˌdefɪˈnɪʃn] n. 定义,阐释
defin [dɪˈfaɪn] v. 解释,给……下定义
strive for 争取,奋斗
whole-heartedly [ˌhəʊl'hɑ:tɪdlɪ] adv. 全心全意地,全力地
victor [ˈvɪktə(r)] n. 胜利者
For you
What's your defnition of victory?I think if you fight hard, and it is a form of victory in itself. Sometimes,obtaining victory is not diffcult. If you strive for your goal whole-heartedly,you are the victor. 你认为怎样才算胜利呢?在我看来,如果你努力拼搏,这本身就是一种胜利。有时,取得胜利并不难。如果你全身心地为目标而奋斗,你就是胜利者。
Never despair for what you have paid gains no harvest, for there would always be a reward for it.
For you
Maybe your parents often tell you that no pains, no gains, and that if you study hard, you will have high scores. Though you do study hard, you only get B.Don't despair for it, for there will always be a reward for it. 也许你的父母经常告诫你:没有付出就没有回报。他们还告诉你,只要你刻苦学习,就一定能拿高分。但是,你确实用功学习了,成绩却一般般。不必为此感到绝望,因为你迟早会有收获的。
Words and Phrases
harvest [ˈhɑ:vɪst] n. 收获,成果;v. 收割 harvester [ˈhɑ:vɪstə(r)] n. 收割机
combine harvester 联合收割机 reap [ri:p] v. 收割 reward [rɪˈwɔ:d] n. 报答,奖赏
no pains, no gains 不劳无获
When the fight begins within himself, a man's worth something.
For you
How do you realize your worth of life? Life is not measured by the time you live;it lies in fght! When the fght begins within yourself, you are worth something. 你怎样实现你的人生价值呢?人生的价值不是以生命的长短来衡量的,生命在于奋斗。当你有了斗志的时候,就有了价值。
Words and Phrases
be worth sth. 值得
measure ['meʒə] v. 测量,度量
measurable ['meʒərəbəl] adj. 可测量的
measurably ['meʒərəblɪ] adv. 可测地,清楚地
measurement ['meʒəmənt] n. 测量,度量
meterage ['mi:tərɪdʒ] n. 计量;测量费

Life is more like a battlefield. If you want something, you have to fight your best for it.
For you
Everyone has pressure. When you are a student, you have the stress of learning seriously. When you leave school, you are under various pressures because of more lures. Life is more like a battlefeld. If you want something, you should fght your best for it. 人人都有压力。当你还是个学生时,有较大的学习压力。踏入社会后,又会由于更多的诱惑而面临各种压力。生活就好比战场,你想得到什么,就应该拼尽全力去争取。
Words and Phrases
more like 倒更像是,说……还差不多 battlefiel [ˈbætlfi:ld] n. 战场,沙场
battleground ['bætlgraʊnd] n. 战场 pressure ['preʃə] n. 压力 stress [stres] n. 压力
friction [ˈfrɪkʃn] n. 摩擦,摩擦力 strain [streɪn] n. 作用力,拉力,张力
seriously [ˈsɪərɪəslɪ] adv. 严肃地,严重地 seriousness [ˈsɪərɪəsnəs] n. 严肃,认真
It will never rain roses. When we want to have more roses we must plant more trees.
Words and Phrases
urgently ['ɜ:dʒəntlɪ] adv. 紧急地,迫切地
dream [dri:m] v. 做梦;n. 梦
pipe dream 白日梦;幻想

For you
What will you do if you want to get something urgently? Shut up your eyes and expect it to drop from the clouds? What a pipe dream!Remember that it will never rain roses. When you want to have more roses you must plant more trees. 当你特别想要一样东西时,你会怎么做呢?是闭上眼睛,希望它从天而降吗?别做梦了!记住:玫瑰不会从天而落。如果想要更多的玫瑰花,就得自己种。
Miracles sometimes occur, but one has to work terribly for them.
For you
Are you looking forward to a miracle? It may occur, but you have to work terribly for it. If you want to get something for nothing, it is only an illusion. You will receive nothing without expense. 你渴望奇迹发生吗?有时奇迹会出现,但你必须为之努力奋斗。如果你想要不劳而获,那只能是幻想,天上是不可能掉馅饼的。
Words and Phrases
occur [əˈkɜ:(r)] v. 发生,存在,出现;想到
get something for nothing 免费得到,不劳而获
illusion [ɪˈlu:ʒn] n. 错觉,幻觉 unreal [ˌʌnˈrɪəl] adj. 虚幻的,不真实的
unreality [ˌʌnrɪ'ælətɪ] n. 不真实,虚幻
unrealistic [ˌʌnrɪəˈlɪstɪk] adj. 不切实际的,不实在的
unrealistically [ˌʌnrɪəˈlɪstɪklɪ] adv. 不现实地 illusory [ɪˈlu:sərɪ] adj. 虚幻的,幻觉的
expense [ɪkˈspens] n. 费用,花费,代价
Without struggle, there is no evolution.
For you
Life is to struggle. Facing life with your arms crossed, brows furrowed, expectation as a rule is,without question, a waste. For without struggle, you will stop making progress. 生命在于奋斗。如果你抱着双臂、皱着眉头对待生活,那么毫无疑问,所有的期望都会化为泡影。因为没有奋斗,就没有进步。

Words and Phrases
evolution [ˌi:və'lu:ʃn] n. 进化;发展,演变 evolve [ɪˈvɒlv] v. (使)进化,(使)演变
evolutionary [ˌi:vəˈlu:ʃənrɪ] adj. 演变的,进化的 evolvement [ɪ'vɒlvmənt] n. 推论,进化
furrow [ˈfʌrəʊ] n. 犁沟;车辙;皱纹;v. (使)起皱纹,形成深痕
as a rule 通常,一般说来 without question 毫无疑问,毫无异议 make progress 取得进步
Genius only means hard-working all one's life.
For you
Do you want to become a genius? No one is a born genius. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent of perspiration. It only means hard-working and diligence all one's life. 你想成为天才吗?没有人生来就是天才。天才是1%的灵感加上99%的汗水,这意味着一生不懈的努力和勤奋。

Words and Phrases
hard-working [hɑ:d 'wɜ:kɪŋ] adj. 勤勉的,努力工作的
born [bɔ:n] adj. 出生的,与生俱来的 newborn ['nju:bɔ:n] adj. 新生的,初生的
inborn [ˌɪnˈbɔ:n] adj. 天生的 inspiration [ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn] n. 灵感;鼓舞人心(的东西)
inspire [ɪnˈspaɪə(r)] v. 鼓舞,给……灵感 inspired [ɪn'spaɪəd] adj. 有灵感的
perspiration [ˌpɜ:spəˈreɪʃn] n. 汗水,流汗
We'd better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past.
For you
Did you regret something that you had done before? Karl Marx said that we'd better struggle for the future rather than regret for the past. We cannot undo a single act we performed; we cannot erase a single word we said. What we can do now is to strive for a good future. 你为以前做过的一些事感到后悔吗?卡尔·马克思曾经说过:与其为过去感到后悔,不如为将来而奋斗。过去做过的每件事都无法更改,说过的每句话都无法收回。我们现在能做的就是为美好的将来而奋斗。
Words and Phrases
struggle ['strʌgl] v. 努力,奋斗,斗争;挣扎 rather than 与其……倒不如
regret [rɪˈgret] v. 惋惜,懊悔;n. 懊悔,遗憾
regretful [rɪˈgretfl] adj. 后悔的,失望的,遗憾的
undo [ʌn'du:] v. 解开,松开;取消,废除;使复原