
In this chapter, we described the evolution of cloud technology offerings, including how the cloud products have changed over the years and how responsibilities are distributed among organizations, starting with IaaS and PaaS and, finally, FaaS. Following that, criteria were presented for evaluating serverless cloud offerings.

Programming language support, function triggers, and the cost structure of serverless products were listed so that we could compare the various cloud providers, that is, AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and GCF. In addition, we deployed a serverless function to all three cloud providers. This showed you how cloud functions can be integrated with other cloud services, such as the AWS API Gateway for REST API operations. Furthermore, a parameterized function was deployed to Azure Functions to show how we can process inputs from users or other systems. Finally, we deployed a scheduled function to GCF to show integration with other cloud services. At the end of this chapter, we implemented a real-life Slack reminder using serverless functions and cloud schedulers.

In the next chapter, we will cover serverless frameworks and learn how to work with them.