From a performance point of view, compile-time weaving would be faster than run-time weaving. Spring AOP is a proxy-based framework, so it creates additional objects for proxies at runtime and there are more method invocations per aspect, which affects performance negatively.
On the other hand, AspectJ weaves aspects into the main code before the application starts and hence there's no additional runtime overhead. There are benchmarks available on the internet that say AspectJ is much faster than Spring AOP.
It is not like one framework is better than another. A choice would be made based on the requirements and many different factors, such as overhead, simplicity, manageability/maintainability, complexity, and learning curve. If we are using fewer aspects and there is no need to apply aspect apart from a Spring bean or method executions, then the performance difference between Spring AOP and AspectJ is trivial. We can use AspectJ and Spring AOP together to achieve our requirements as well.