Behavioral layout

For these layout managers, you choose the behavior for layouting of your nodes, and they will do the following tasks for you:

  • Calculate child nodes' sizes
  • Initial positioning of the child nodes 
  • Reposition nodes if they change their sizes or the layout manager changes its size

The first manager to look at is HBox. It arranges its children in simple rows:

HBox root = new HBox(5);
new Rectangle(50, 50, Color.GREEN),
new Rectangle(75, 75, Color.BLUE),
new Rectangle(90, 90, Color.RED));

The corresponding VBox does the same for columns.

StackPane positions nodes in its center.

As nodes will overlap here, note that you can control their Z-order using the following APIs:

  • Node.toBack() will push it further from the user
  • Note.toFront() will bring it to the top position

Take a look at the following example code:

 Pane root = new StackPane();
Rectangle red;
new Rectangle(50, 50, Color.GREEN), // stays behind blue and red
new Rectangle(75, 75, Color.BLUE),
red = new Rectangle(90, 90, Color.RED));


This is the image that it produces: